Search Engine Optimization

This term is thrown out by companies all the time, lets break down these fancy words. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to a set of techniques and services that online marketers use to raise your position in searching rankings on the popular search engines such as: Google, Bing and Yahoo.

These days the importance of a strong online presence is known to all business owners. Your search engine rankings are directly tied to the amount of visitors that will enter your website. Consider this, being listed on the first page on Google will put your products and services in front of the eyes of more customers than having a prime retail location in the busiest street in the world!

Why SEO?

We understand that every businesses has a limited budget, therefore maximizing your marketing investment is imperative. This is why selecting the right online marketing partner is critical. Because of its popularity, more individuals and businesses are offering search engine optimization as a service, regardless of their capability to deliver.

DeveloCore offers more than 7 years of professional experience marketing for single location and multi-location businesses. From large to small independent business owners, we’ve done it all and have the right recipe for your success.

What we do

Once you hired DeveloCore to complete your SEO strategy, we will:

  • Get to know your business and goals and offer solutions
  • Provide a highly detailed keyword analysis that will boost your rankings
  • Provide a competitive analysis, local and/or global
  • Optimize your website for greater search engine visibility
  • Mange your business listings to ensure accuracy and completeness
  • Optimize your Google Business account

Local SEO Include:

  • Keyword research
  • Google Places, Yahoo Local Listing, and Yelp Optimization
  • Organic Link building
  • Local Directory Setup + Optimization
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Video SEO Optimization
  • On-Page Optimization + Meta Information
  • Google Analytics
  • Sitemap Creation and Configuration
  • And More...